The Information System for Monitoring Government Actions (SISAG) was presented on Friday, February 21, 2025, by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, Mr. Guylain Nyembo, during the 32nd meeting of the Council of Ministers.
SISAG is an innovative digital platform designed to optimize the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of government programs at both the national and provincial levels.
This cross-sectoral tool, developed, supported, and maintained by the Digital Development Agency (ADN), will enable ministries, institutions, enterprises, public services, and agencies to record all relevant information regarding the progress of their sectoral programs and projects. This will enhance transparency and traceability in government performance and the implementation of commitments and projects.
According to the ADN Coordinator, Mr. Dominique Migisha, the adoption of SISAG represents a true revolution in governance in the DRC. He noted that since independence, the central government has never been monitored in such a way, and the direct consequence will be significantly strengthened accountability for ministers in terms of results.

He further explained that SISAG is the realization of the Head of State’s vision, as outlined in the National Digital Plan « Horizon 2025. » It marks the end of unstructured execution of government programs, which has led to poor results across various sectors for decades. This system introduces a new era where the most efficient ministers will be clearly identified, while underperforming ones will no longer be able to hide. This will be based on objective criteria in the form of « KPIs » (key performance indicators), using highly precise data that considers multiple endogenous and exogenous factors.
Deputy Prime Minister Guylain Nyembo emphasized that his initiative aims to digitize one of the key missions of his ministry. He also pointed out that these innovative approaches align with the National Strategic Development Plan 2024-2028 of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals under the 2030 Agenda, and the African Union’s Agenda 2063.

Additionally, he noted that SISAG is a perfectly adapted tool for monitoring the 145 Territories Development Program (PDLT 145) and other donor interventions in the DRC, which fall under his ministry’s responsibilities.
What SISAG Does
In detail, SISAG is an interactive digital platform for:
- Planning different phases of the design and execution of government programs, provincial executives, and decentralized territorial entities (ETDs).
- Evaluating the maturity and financing levels of government programs and projects.
- Optimally monitoring project life cycles, progress, constraints, and challenges in execution.
- Using integrated artificial intelligence algorithms to generate decision-making proposals, recommendations, and useful guidelines for program and project implementation.
- Facilitating the upward flow of information from the lowest levels to the highest for adequate analysis and clear statistical presentations for decision-making.
As digital transformation plays a crucial role in governance and revenue maximization, SISAG emerges as an innovative Congolese digital tool that revolutionizes public management and significantly supports the development of a mature digital economy, which is a key driver of social progress.
Furthermore, it aims to enhance accountability and encourage citizen participation in societal development.
With its multiple indicators and dashboards, SISAG will allow institutions such as the General Inspectorate of Finance (IGF) to better control financial flows related to public spending, enable the Agency for the Prevention and Fight Against Corruption to be more effective, and help the Prime Minister’s Office coordinate and monitor the execution of the Government Action Program (PAG), as well as the commitments and directives of the Head of State issued in the Council of Ministers.
Finally, this digital tool will also enable the President’s Office to more effectively oversee the implementation of the President of the Republic’s political vision. The full implementation of this system will introduce an innovative approach to monitoring and evaluating state projects and programs, providing daily visibility on the progress of these activities while optimizing the control of material and financial resources involved.
Hervé Pedro | NUMERICO.CD